Two Month journey

toward Alignment and Peace

Take your healing to a deeper transformative level.

I am here to assist in that full journey with a two month transformation healing process.

Styled healing Transformation.

Within this package it will allow for the time and space for constant connection and healing work. Providing accountability as well as continued weekly and daily support by me your practitioner. This package will include the below offerings to aid within your process

Two Months: $2,000

  • Weekly One on One Sessions - These sessions will be the process of doing weekly clearings and discussion to help assist and aid within your healing process overall can vary each session as every person healings is unique.

  • Email / Text Support - This will allow constant communication during the process if anything is to come up and you have questions are need assistance with how you're feeling after a healing. Accountability check in as well during the process.

  • Weekly Energy Check Ins - Can include a few different options weekly card pulls to address your energy and guide you through the week, as well as mid-week check in, to provide aligned support during the week.

Once we have reached the end of the two month session you will be in a completely different space and have the proper tools to continue to work daily on your continued growth.

* Please know by booking you are agreeing to the policies and procedures in this link. Thank you.

Your Practitioner.

Miesha is a Subtle Energy/Medical Intuitive Practitioner working to provide a unique styled healing prospective to all those that are ready to do the work and listen to your body. My main focus is to ensure that you leave your session with me feeling completely renewed and ready to listen to your body in a way you never thought before. Taking the time and tools we gather together to continue to use these items